Thursday 15 March 2012

Motivation to Make

So what is it that motivates any of us to make things? 

My own creativity came into being after the birth of my second child at a time which for many reasons I found both physically and emotionally difficult.  I found the actual process of 'making' something extremely rewarding for the finished piece -  but it is so much more than that!  I'm sure you've all heard the phrase 'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' but I'm not sure if that tells the full story when it comes to creating art. 

When you look at this what do you see? 

  • The word Mum in gold with a couple of cream flowers and some dots? Yes?
  • Do you think about how it was made and what techniques and materials were used? May be?
  • Do you think about how and why it was that someone came to think of making it at all? Probably not!

I firmly believe that we all have within us the ability to create, it is within every single one of us.  For those of you currently shaking your heads start thinking about all those beautiful things you made as a child and proudly presented to your Mum and Dad!  You may find them embarrassing now; but you were once creative!  You can see creativity within every child, from squiggly pictures to mud pies and sandcastles; its there alright!  Only life events and the expectations of others take it from us and the re-discovery of it can be life changing. 

I have spent most of my life labelled as the non-creative one so it just goes to show that circumstances will sometimes occur which allow us, or even force us, to discover a side of ourselves which has been hiding away for too long or we never knew was there.  Since realising my ability to create, my wrestless mind is a constant flurry of images and ideas some of which I have made and some of which are beyond my capabilities................for now.

If you have followed my blog or know me in real life you will know that for the past 2 years now I have been pretty much housebound due to Hypermobility Syndrome. Even within my own home there are many things I cannot physically do such as vacuuming, bending to load the dishwasher, standing to cook meals etc etc. My house is a complete mess as it's not been cleaned for 2 years and I'm stuck looking at it all day! Being able to create takes me away from all of that. Being able to imagine something, make it and then actually see a finished result gives me a sense of achievement and control over something that I wouldn't otherwise have in my life. My children are my purpose in life but I'm not daft enough to think that I have any real control over them. I work to their timetable, they don't work to mine!

I love seeing a shape or a new colour and I think 'I know what I can do with that'.  Every item I make will probably have been inspired by me looking for something else entirely for another project or making something and realising how I could make it better.  Generally the ideas are in my head and I then have to go looking for the materials to make them happen, which can become rather time consuming and frustrating.  But I usually get there in the end, or see something else which takes me off in an entirely new direction.

For me one of the most exciting things is finishing something new and putting it onto my page and getting all the feedback.  I love the flurry of activity that one of my new creations generates. 

When you create something a little bit of yourself goes into every single thing that you make which for me makes it really important that people love the things I make them.  I want my customers to be excited about recieving something I have made for them, and mostly they are!  I am always thrilled when I recieve an email or a post on my wall from a happy customer.  That's what keeps me going and that is my ultimate motivator.  I genuinely want my work to delight people.

So next time you look at a handcrafted object you may well look beyond the shape and colour and ask yourself what does that mean to the maker of it!  Look closely and you may well get your answer................!


  1. I've always liked making things but only recently had the confidence to make things for other people. I love getting comments on my facebook page! It boosts my ego!

    I did not know you had mobility issues. Making beautiful things is far more important than doing the housework - that's what I tell myself when I am busy making stuff surrounded by chaos.

  2. I love having a creative side, which I really didn't think I had until I started making things as an adult, and even better are the wonderful comments from customers that motivate me even more.

    I agree that making beautiful things is far more important than doing housework. You should see my house, and I don't have the problems you have.

    Another fab blog post.

    Heather x
